Hello and welcome to the third QC guest week! Today's strip is brought to you by the fine Sw3d1sh fellows over at Little Gamers. I think they really hit my target audience with this one. No really!

Comic Con was INSANE, guys. I don't have the time or energy to write up a full report but let me just say it was wonderful. All of my Dayfree Press Homies were super awesome, specifically Sam & Fuzzy, White Ninja, BOASAS, and our pals at Radioactive Panda.

Also super-nice were all the Dumbrella guys! Wigu/Overcompensating, Diesel Sweeties, Goats, ExplodingDog, and The Creatures In My Head are all Quality Fellows�.

I finally got the chance to say hi to Tycho from Penny Arcade and I'll be damned if he isn't one of the nicest fellows you could hope to meet. I also met Jason from The Pet Professional and he is super duper nice. You should check out his comic if you haven't already!

Okay I think that about does it for my big ol' link dump. Apologies to anyone I met whom I am currently forgetting, my mind is seriously blown and I need some dinner.

Guest week continues tomorrow with some fellows who were personally told by Matt Groening to keep up the good work that they do!

Cristi and I are in the San Diggity until Wednesday, so email answerin' will be on hold until then. The IndieTits are here with us and they told me to say "man FUCK updating, we're on vacation!!" for them, so I guess you will have to wait for them to get back as well. Enjoy guest week #3 and I will see you tomorrowz!

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