Wil and Penelope! Been a long time since we've seen Wil. Sometimes a character will just sort of fall by the wayside and I don't pick them up for a while, and my focus shifts elsewhere and suddenly it's been 5 years and I haven't drawn a comic about them and oh my god where did the time go. Maybe we'll see Wil again in the future! Or maybe not. It's not like there are 250 different characters in the comic and more being added all the time like some kind of Fire Emblem But For Goobers. Wait shit now I actually want to play that game.
As someone who was frequently The Most Drunk Dude At The Party, I gotta say I don't miss it at all. Nor do I miss hangovers, or spending money on booze, or all the other bad parts of drinking too much. And one of the NICE parts about "where does the time go" is eventually you do the math and realize you've been sober for 11 years without even thinking about it. Sobriety is pretty cool imho.
Heading to Europe for the holidays tomorrow. Gonna spend some time there doing some actual writing and slowly easing back into making comics. I can tell this break is doing me good because I'm looking forward to getting back to work!