Man, Marten has been a smartass this week! Let's hope he doesn't push it too far and end up in the dumpster along with a dead Amanda. I am pretty sure Faye can glare hard enough to make someone die.

People really seemed to like the Recommended Listening page! I have added it to the main navigation bar of the site, so it will be available for your perusal whenever you want. I'll be adding records periodically so keep your eyes peeled for more music that I think you might enjoy.

News about t-shirts: the new designs are taking longer to get finalized than I was expecting (mainly because I have had absolutely no time to work on them yet). If I can find some time this weekend I will get them ready to go- I know a lot of you are waiting for the store to re-open so I am trying to get on top of things. People still waiting for their Pintsize T-shirts should take heart- orders will be going to the printer as soon as I can find a free moment (hopefully tonight or early tomorrow).

What have I been so busy on lately? Well, a lot of things, including the cover illustration for this week's edition of the Valley Advocate newspaper. It was a lot of fun to work on, but a lot of work indeed! I think it came out pretty well. Anyway, my apologies for the t-shirt delays, August is turning out to be way busier than I was expecting. I really appreciate you bearing with me.

I think that is it for now, BuzzComix seems to have been down for the past few days, but if you see it come back up feel free to vote. Here's hoping it hasn't completely died forever. Anyway, enjoy Friday's comic, have a nice weekend, and I will see you Monday!

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